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The world around us demands that we think in a circular way
Andreas Mattisson - Lammhults Möbel - Sweden
Andreas Mattisson - Range & Product Development Manager
For Andreas, product development is about far more than simply developing new products. He has worked in product development since 2005, when he graduated from university in Växjö. Much of this work has involved interesting innovations, but he also sees a great potential for developing existing products. This isn’t a matter of re-launching old products, but of pushing development further using the old products as a base.
“We put far too little focus on what already exists. Products can often be honed to create something even better. Given the changes we are facing in the world around us, our focus must lie on what we already have and on making that more circular.”
At Lammhults product development is key – in terms of both innovations and developments to its existing range. Their goal is the longest possible life cycle, and this calls for timeless design of the highest quality. Lammhults work with three core values in mind: Far-sightedness, relevant innovation and an attractive identity.
Andreas on plastics
Lammhults is working to reduce its consumption of resources and lessen its environmental footprint, which is why they are developing and manufacturing products made of materials that can be recycled as either materials or energy. They strive to prevent pollution in all company processes, and work to successfully reduce the environmental impact and footprint of their production facilities.
“For me sustainability is the most important aspect of all decisions, but I think that many discussions on the topic are warped. Among other things, I’m sceptical about adding foreign substances to materials, which I believe should be kept pure to encourage recycling. Wood fibre insulation is one example that I am sceptical about, as introducing a foreign material – in this case wood – to the plastic means it is less recyclable.”
Andreas on Ackurat
We at Ackurat regularly visit Lammhults in Lammhult, southern Sweden. Andreas also has a log-in on Ackurat’s website where, in addition to all standard products, he can view Ackurat’s prices and stock status as well as Lammhults’ custom products and order history.
“The best thing is that Ackurat has created its own niche within the furniture industry. This means they can track relevant developments in materials and offer advice on which materials should be used where. The competence at a niche company is always greater than at a company with a more general focus, as development is more targeted and thus more effective.
Ackurat’s in-house tools department also means they are quick on custom products, and can often offer very favourable tools prices on smaller components. In terms of projects, they are one of the most punctual partners we work with. In Ackurat’s work with Lammhults, one possible area for improvement would be to offer injection moulding for slightly larger components, and to offer a wider range of recycled base materials.”
Lammhults’ Penna chair, designed by Julia Läufer & Marcus Keichel.
A long history
“Lammhults has worked alongside Ackurat since 1955, when Ackurat made components for Lammhults’ first chair, Pyramid. The chair was a launching pad for both Lammhults Möbel AB and Ackurat Industriplast AB. We have had a close collaboration since then – so far almost 65 years. What is really great about Ackurat is that their focus is on furniture components, so they can bring more expertise to our industry than many others – if not everyone else.”