Welcome to your overview at Ackurat

We really want you to feel that Ackurat is so much more than just a supplier of plastic components.

The challenge for us is to give you as a buyer the best conditions to secure deliveries to your company. We would very much like to be one of your most reliable suppliers but also a supplier that encourages you and your company to develop. The work of assessing delivery risks, order points and other things that keep your production going without getting too much in stock is constantly evolving. We work with deliveries to factories all over the world. A breadth that we hope can help all our business relationships move forward.

Here under HI PURCHASERS, you will find terms, conditions and other things that may contribute to your work to secure dialogue and deliveries. If you are missing something here, please let us know. We love development.

*Logged in, you will find here our information about your orders, all your components and our information about your company.